This is going to piss people off, particularly if you don't like Chloe Sullivan.
Well, guess what? It's my live journal and I'm giving you warning. I'm a Chloe fan. A big one. And if you don't like it?
Tough shit.
This will also contain some Clark-bashing because I'm NOT a Clark fan anymore. At all. The reasons why will be a whole separate meta one day, undoubtedly, but this one's more based on Chloe and why she's definitively NOT a villain and why she's NOT a self-centered bitch as many have been calling her. *Eye roll*
Just a brief fact: Chloe did indeed kill a guy. But she did so under the influence of Brainiac. Al Septien said so on Twitter. She didn't just go in willy nilly and commit homicide. And I do believe that the people who say otherwise would have been equally as pissed had she NOT killed Sebastian Kane because OMG, that would have made her a terrible friend to Clark for not protecting him at all costs! Whatever.
Let's just jump right to the part where she's "harboring" a serial killer (i.e. Davis), and how that turns out.
I haven't watched season 8 in awhile, mostly because I wasn't a fan of Davis personally. Or Jimmy. Or Chlavis. Or Chimmy. And after Abyss I wasn't really a fan of Clark anymore either. But that's beside the point. The point here is it's 4 a.m. and I'm tired and not feeling the greatest and I haven't watched season 8 in awhile so my memory is probably not the best at the moment.
Davis/Dooms couldn't die. At his own request, Chloe dosed him with liquid Kryptonite in an attempt to kill him and save Clark from him. Even though she had feelings for the guy, she still put her BFF first. As pretty much always since season 4.
Imagine her horror when Davis returns, very much alive. And yeah, Chloe made some crappy choices, but she made them to try and protect Clark AND Davis, whom at that point she believed was a victim of circumstance. Which, even though I wasn't a fan, he really kind of was. Kind of.
She puts her OWN life at risk to try and save them both because she truly believed the human side of Davis was worth saving. For whatever reason, being around Chloe kept Davis from killing people. So they took off together. Not the smartest move on Chloe's part, but she was doing what she truly felt was her only course of action. Let's not forget that she did this mostly to KEEP CLARK SAFE.
In the end, she loses everything.
Davis the human turns out to be a murderer and kills the guy she loves. Lois has vanished and in her mind, quite possibly dead. And then? ALL of her friends walk out on her. Including her "best friend" that she was trying to protect.
What an awesome hero he is. Not. But I digress--must save my Clark meta/rant for later.
Season 9 begins with Chloe having been basically alone since all of her friends walked out and left her to deal with their own issues, and Clark turned his back on humanity.
She's been trying to find Lois and has planted cameras basically everywhere in an effort to keep the people she STILL cares about (seriously? She's a better person than me cause I'd have written every last one of them off and left the damn state) safe. For those who are OMG SHE'S A SPY AND A TERRIBLE PERSON? Let's remember this: Chloe is human. She does not have super powers. This is the only way she can think of to keep an eye on her "friends" and have ANY peace of mind that people she loves are safe.
She does say some hurtful things to Clark in the opener, but I defy ANY of you to say that you've NEVER said anything hurtful or angry to another person when you're grief-ridden and/or are utterly ALONE. Because if you do? I'll call you a liar. We've all done it. Does that make YOU a terrible person? No. It makes you human. And humans say hurtful things and make mistakes. And this is why I'm baffled by people who call Chloe a "Mary Sue." Mary Sue's are perfect and everyone loves them all the time, which is clearly not, nor has ever been, the case with Chloe.
She's one of the few characters, whom, when they screw up? Actually have to pay for their mistakes. And make no mistake--she's suffered. A LOT.
Clark continues to hold her at arm's length for the entire season and people seem completely baffled and butt-hurt that she does the same right back to him. They're pissed she doesn't bow down and kiss his ass. That's called a double standard. Except Chloe fans don't expect Clark to bow down and kiss HER ass. There's a difference between being a good friend and worshipping the ground someone walks on. As a Chloe fan, I don't expect Clark to like or agree with all the things she says or does and I never expected Clark to have Chloe on some pedestal. But an acknowledgment that she's at least doing things for a reason and not just because she's "selfish" would be nice. Whatever.
So the Chlark friendship is strained and that's all blamed on Chloe. Except CLARK is the one who turned his back on her and I'm sorry but that gets at least HALF the blame on him.
And that "evil" spying she does? Winds up being what saves Oliver's life.
But oh yeah. Apparently Oliver is almost as evil as Chloe, so that doesn't matter. *Insert eye roll here.*
Don't get me wrong. I'm not condoning spying on your friends here. But I do believe that, in Chloe's mind, it was the only way she could maintain some small amount of control over anything, and that she did it to try and keep them all safe.
Let's remember here--Chloe had, up until "Roulette" really, lost everyone. In "Roulette" she got Oliver back, which was basically what ended up kick-starting their entire relationship--which will someday be another meta. Hopefully not at 4 a.m.
So basically, I don't get it. I don't understand how anyone can really call Chloe selfish considering she's the one who's lost it all.
Oh, and her keeping secrets from Clark? That makes her evil? I'm sorry, but if my "BFF" turned his back on me after the guy I loved was murdered, the guy I was trying to help save was the one who murdered him, and my only family was missing? I wouldn't be very open to sharing things with that BFF anymore either. In other words, FUCK YOU Clark. You're the one who walked out and when you did that, you lost ANY right you had to know ANYTHING Chloe was doing at all. Period. End of discussion. Clark's being an alien doesn't entitle him to know everyone's secrets.
And the Kryptonite weapons she had made? Weren't to kill Clark. Remember Pandora? When all of the Kandorians were keeping humans as slaves and killing them left and right? Gee, I wonder WHY she had the weapons made. Maybe to, I don't know, SAVE THE WORLD? But oh, right. She didn't tell Clark. See above paragraph.
"But she didn't trust Clark to get through to them!?111!!! She just wanted to kill an entire race of people!!11!"
Excuse me while I go to the corner and die laughing. Yes, clearly Chloe = Hitler. She just wants all aliens dead. I mean, it's not like she a reason to think they might be bad. BrainiacDoomsdayPandoraevents. Clearly she's just an evil spiteful selfish bitch.
And while I'm at it let me address the "Chloe's not in the comics" argument for those who hate her and use that as the reason why.
Smallville is not the comics. It is loosely--VERY loosely based on comics. And guess what? Chloe DOES exist in Smallville's mythos, regardless of whether she exists in the Superman comics mythos. And if you try and tell me that all that matters is the comics, I will tell you that maybe you should just go read those instead of watching Smallville. Because denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Like
skauble once said, TV shows shouldn't require extra reading to understand them. Smallville is its own entity, separate from "comics mythos." It has its own. And it's pretty damn different from the comics all the way around, and not just where Chloe is concerned. And if you use "but she's not in the comics" as your excuse for not liking Chloe, that's fine. But if that's what you tell ME? I'll laugh at you while pointing in your general direction and calling you an idiot. :P
And for FYI, I've disabled anonymous comments. Because if you're going to bash me and my opinions, I'm going to at least force you to do it as yourself and not as some chickenshit anonymous asshole. :D