Title: Think Twice (1/1)
xtremeroswellia and
chloeasRated: R for violence and language
Pairing: Oliver/Chloe
Word count: 2243
Spoilers: Based on a bit of the trailer for tonight's, "Upgrade."
Note: If you're a fan of Clark? I suggest you don't read this. Major bashing lies ahead.
Think Twice. )
He's been on Red K what? Three or four times throughout the show without being overly violent? Yeah he was mean and crude, but he never hit Chloe before...what makes this time different? And why is it okay?
Ugh I just really hate the person they are making him this season and I think it's a mistake not to have Oliver in this episode, because after Clark does what he does even if Chloe is slightly wrong the arftermath of this is going to have to be a little heartbreaking.
Sure they haven't been good friends or close even in a while, but this is a perfect example of how far they've fallen...You did a beautiful job of writing this! I ahve so much love for this piece. Thanks for sharing
Anyway, thanks for reading/reviewing!
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