If I hear one more Republican say that George W. is not really a Republican I may strangle them. You know what I think?
I think people who say that are just SO very ashamed that they voted for the guy not once but TWICE and he has screwed up our country so bad, that they don't want to take responsiblity for putting him in office. So they say he's not really a Republican (and thus giving them the excuse to CONTINUE voting Republican *snort*).
Newsflash: Republicans are for the people? No. Republicans are for the rich--hence the
700 billion dollar bailout of mortgage companies proposed by..wait. Who? Oh. The BUSH administration.
Republicans are for smaller government? Hahahaha. Right. Which is why the government can legally spy on US citizens(thanks to the current REPUBLICAN administration), why they want to be in control of women's bodies (Republicans are generally anti-abortion), why they want to dictate who can and can't get married (republicans are anti-gay marriage), why they want to dictate that religion be taught in schools (i.e., Sarah Palin), etc, etc, etc.
And frankly? If the democrats are
socialists, then the republicans are
That being said, I'm an avid hater of the democratic governor of IL, and yes, I voted for him. But at least I'm not trying to say he's not really a democrat to cover up my embarrassment of voting for him.
/end rant.