I'm kind of thinking that it's Dean too. I'm not sure though. I can sort of picture Sam beating up her co-workers. She shouldn't doubt that she's a good mommy, but it's understandable with what happened with Moria. I can't wait to read more.
ohhhh i am this serires is dean micheal's invisable freind ? oh poor chloe and poor sam. are you going to bring dean back somehow or are you going to hook up chloe and sam ? will you ever tell us who left that articel on her desk at work ? it was not clark was it ?
So I am all caught up now and I love how Chloe and Sam are with the boys and Sam especially for sticking around and helping. I hope Michaels invisible friend is Dean and maybe he will help bring Chloe and Sam together I think they need one another!! I can't wait for more.
Alrighty missy...where is the rest of this??? You're just not allowed to stop here when my poor Sammy and Chloe are so broken! Imaginary Dean (or John or whoever) needs to give my couple a shove in the right direction. *Jen as Imaginary!Friend shoves xtremeroswellia in the direction of her keyboard* =)
Comments 9
And poor chloe! Poor Sam! This is so sad. :(
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