Title: Forever (2-3/7)
Authors: shadow_one and X_tremeroswellian
Rated: NC-17
Pairing; Dean/Chloe
Spoilers: For all of season two SPN. Nothing specific for Smallville.
Word Count: 13,644
Prologue |
One |
Two-Three |
Four-Five |
Six-Conclusion (
Two and three. )
Comments 2
Actually, given Dean's new undead attitude (undeadatude?) I would think he would go after the other vampires first. Like a preemptive/don't leave enemies at your back kinda thing.
Chloe and Dean better watch it, they're liable to have both Dean's hunter brother, and Chloe's alien friend chasing them down.
I think right now new Vamp!Dean is a little preoccupied with Chloe to think with his upstairs brain *giggles*
Thanks for reading and for giving feedback!! :)
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