This is who I've got listed as sending Christmas cards to this year:
itsaslashythingbutterfly1121trademybikerjchasezlilisullivannothingtoyouapplemagelettecandylandgalfehrplayevamikagecheapevilgirllunarknightzgilibijrobynadele0406thirdwatch_gurltyniere Am I missing anyone? If you'd like to be added to my list, please speak now or forever hold your peace :P
evamikage and
lunarknightz, I need your addresses. This entry is comment screened so only I'll see your responses. That goes for anyone else who wishes to add their names to said list. Oh and if you've moved, please let me know your new addy. Except
thirdwatch_gurl, cause I already have your new one! :D