I had the most awesome dream EVER last night.
So I dreamt that Jensen and Jared were staying at my house for a few days for some reason. No idea why, but it seemed perfectly normal. And yeah--why look a gift horse in the mouth??
So they were staying at my house. And they both had gray t-shirts that said "Love the J-Boys." Heeee. *wants a shirt that says that now*
Jared was very sweet, but didn't spend much time at the house. Jensen and I however, spent some time together hanging out. And then my sister, grandpa, nephew and brother in law came over and my sister convinced Jensen to go drinking with all of them (including my nephew who is only 14 so wtf??). I don't drink, thus didn't go.
They all came back and Jensen was with this chick named Mary whom I hated on sight and vice-versa. So after that I avoided hanging out with Jensen, and was painting and Jared and my sister clued me in that he was trying to make me jealous. I didn't believe them at first, but he kept looking at me so I thought 'maybe...'
Anyway, apparently this Mary chick was a singer and after awhile I came to the conclusion she was also kinda...psycho. So when she went to sing, I asked Jensen if we could talk so we went off by ourselves and I was like, "Okay, I have to tell you something." And he got this look on his face like he KNEW what I was going to say. So I told him, "I'm in love with you." And he grinned, said he was in love with me and then he kissed me.
Best. Dream. Ever.