(no subject)

Aug 16, 2003 23:10

Name: Angela Dawn Williams

Height : 5'6"

Hair Color: blondish brown. Mom calls it "dishwater blond." Whatever.

Eye Color: green

Location: Boody, IL

School: Richland Community College

Pets: goldfish

Dream Job: published author; owner of a bookstore. Possibly the writer of my own tv show. I have lots of dreams.

Fav Music: Sarah McLachlan

Fav Movie(s): Titanic, Twister, Flight of the Navigator

Fav Food: Pizza, chicken fettuccini alfredo, cheese toasties

Fav Subject: English and art

Fav Sport: volleyball or badminton

Least Fav: anything i don't know the rules to

Fave Month: April

Fave Holidays: Christmas

Fav Toothpaste: it doesn't matter.

1) First of all, how old are you? 22

2) Do you believe in reincarnation? not sure

3) Would you rather be deaf or blind? Niether; both would suck. I'd rather lose my sense of smell.

4) If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian,
what would you do? I'm pretty sure that none of them are, but it wouldn't bother me if they were.

5) Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yes

6) Would you rather be short or tall? I like being in between. I think I'm at a nice height.

7) Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or
overly wealthy and sad? happy and poor any day. but,
if i were given the chance, I'd be overly wealthy and overly happy.

8) Would you consider your relationship with your
parents bad, okay, good? pretty good. I wish they were more interested in the things I do good once in a while,

9) Do you like to dance? i can't dance. it's quite

10) Are you too shy to ask someone out? Haven't been in a situation where I wanted to for about four years, so who knows?

11) Do you like to talk on the phone? Not generally. The only person I really enjoy talking to on the phone is my best friend Sarah because I never get to see her since she lives in New Mexico and neither of us have enough money to visit the other.

12) Would you rather go on a walk or watch tv? depends
on the time of day/night and where i was walking. too
hot or too cold, i'd rather just watch tv.

13) What's your dream honeymoon place? To hell with a honeymoon. I'm NOT getting married. EVER.

14) What would be the first thing you'd change about
yourself? I'd be more assertive.

15) Do you think boys or girls have it easier? Boys. Definitely.

16) If you had a round-trip ride in any time machine,
where would you go? Ooh, so many options. Part of me would like to go back to the Cretaceous period so I could see the dinos, but with my luck I'd be eaten by a t-rex or stomped on by a brachiasaurus before the machine brought me back to current day.

17) If you could be invisible for a day, what would
you do? Track down a couple of enemies and freak them out. Yes, I know. I'm mean.

18) Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or Reebok [or any
other brand]? I don't care. Whatever's cheap and comfortable. I'm not big on name brands.

19) If you could change your name, what would it be?
Hmm...I'd probably just start going by my middle name. I've actually thought about that before. I don't think my parents would be very happy about it, but it would be almost like starting my life over as someone different and that would be kinda neat.

20) If you were in a theater and someone was crying,
would you laugh? I really doubt it.

21) Have you ever thought you were going to die? Yep. Several times actually. We went to a zoo when I was younger and it was one of those backyard kinds where the animals are behind fences that don't seem quite tall enough and a tiger ran and leapt at the fence where I stood on the other side. I screamed and ran away, but if the fence had been like, three inches shorter, the thing would have mauled me. Then I've had several close calls with trains, as well.

22) What's the hardest thing about growing up? Being betrayed by your friends and having your heart broken.

23) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Would you ever?
Every night i take a bath. :) just kidding. i take
baths with my clothes on. no, i have never gone
skinny dipping and no, i never would.

24) What little unknown talents do you possess? Um...I can sing all 50 states in the U.S. in alphabetical order without having to look any up...

25) Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for
$4,000,000? HELL NO. That's fucking sick. I don't want money that badly.

26) If this Saturday, you could do ANYTHING you
wanted, what would you do? Well, I'd go to New Mexico and see my friend Sarah.

27) What's the worst word(s) you know? "Get over it."

28) If there would be one thing about yourself that
you could change, what would it be? um...this is
rather redundant, isn't it?

29) Have you ever wanted to run away? My cousin and I used to plan to run away when we were kids. Never actually did it, though.

30) What's your worst fear? That I will be attacked by a swarm of grasshoppers and die on the spot from a heart attack. No, I'm not kidding.

31) What is your dream car? A limo..

32) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes, I confess, I do.

33) Have you ever felt you were in love? Yes.

34) If you were stranded on a deserted island with one
person, who would it be? Hmm...why can't I be stranded with a computer? Then like, I could still talk to everyone via AIM...oh, wait...no way to connect. Damn. Um...my friend Sarah, I guess. I know we wouldn't drive each other nuts and between the two of us we could probably figure out a way off the island.

35) What is your favorite color? blue and purple. I'm also quite fond of yellow.

36) What guy/girl do you want more than anyone else?
Hmm. I would say Bosco, but he is a fictional character. Alas, I'm pretty happy being single.

37) If you could be any animal what would you be? A dolphin

38) What is your favorite gum? I don't chew gum.

39) How do you eat an Oreo? i dunk it in milk with a
little above the milk so the air gets out and the
whole oreo gets soft, then i eat it.

40) Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork? Depends on my mood.

41) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? I try not to eat broccoli very often period. It's not really my favorite vegetable.

42) If you could do anything to the person you hated
most what would it be? Show them all the things I've accomplished and simply smile.

what: meme

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