Jan 01, 2005 20:59
Yes, it has been awhile since your hero last posted. Now, he's back. This is a promise! Now, he must cover some new topics.
1. Status of employment - Yes, I am employed. I am a dishwasher / busboy at an italian restaraunt. I have $166 saved up right now, and well on the way to buying a new computer.
2. Status of schoolwork - Eh...not so good. I'm good w/ the grades and whatnot, but I'm falling behind on my work. :( I'll catch up soon I reckon.
3. Status of committment - Single, yet I've gotten more women than a busy toilet seat these days. lol, Anyways. Yeah, I kissed a...DUDE last night. It was my friend Ben. It was a New Years thing. :-D LOVE YA BENNY BOY!
4. Status of the Antman Tour of Destruction. (No longer named Warped Tour 2k4): Eh...still on for this summer, I guess. Shawn, Sarah, Kimmie, Patricia, Amanda, all my peeps in my Waterbury connection, prepare to witness the Fortnight (TWO WEEKS) of Antman. :-D
5. Status of Weight Loss: Me'sa down to 170!! w00000000t!
Oh, and I am still suffering from being raped by that bulimic werewolf. *Sees pic of moon somewhere, and yammies all over sister's sleeping face.* :(
Well, I'll be out now. I love all my readers (All two of ya!)