May 10, 2005 07:28
Hello all that care about my little life Sorry I haven't updated this thing in forever my greatestjournal and myspace are basically the same way. My xanga is probably the most kept up thing I have. Yawn. I'm tired, I had a late night saturday. Saturday was just busy as all hell but its all good. I had to be at work at 8 which means that I had to get up at 6:15 cause I take that long to get out of bed. Worked until 3 went to Lancaster (sp?) stopped in Harrisburg and did stupid stuff cause I got bored (Jackass, Shopping Cart). Got home and Called Matt. Met Matt and Maria at the Lewistown Giant Parking lot and drove to Lacie's hoese. I couldn't have found that place unless I had someone taken me there. Showed up and had fun there. Lacie's dad bought like 8-10 pizzas. Had fun with Reddi Whipp Megan, Ashley, and Lacie paid for it. Matt, Megan, Sam, and I all played Mom that night. Maria passed out, Kyle passed out, vomited like 6 times, forgot his own name along with everyone elses except for Sam's(Since he was her date thats probably a good thing) Seth passed out vomitted like 3 times and pissed himself. Noah was the good little boy that turned bad in the way that He is on tape saying that Smoking and Drink are bad and he wouldn't do them. Sure enough though he drank and then he later smoked. Ashley and Cody spent the majority of the night in the back room together. It got weird and boring dealing with people so some of us left that to other people just so we could get away. I fell asleep in the back of my car, Matt took a 1/2 hour nap next to wear Maria passed out, Seth Passed out on the floor, Kyle passed out on the couch, Sam fell asleep in the back of my car, Megan fell asleep in the back room, Ashley fell asleep in the back room, Mike and Lacie I really don't know where they ended up. Noah was stayed awake, Cody stayed awake, Thad stayed awake woke up said bye to everyone then was off to work at 10. I was so tired the rest of the day. That was my fun weekend.