Sorry everyone

Feb 23, 2005 12:43

I guess its about time i update. cause i havent in awhile. I have been a little busy. School is going alright. Im trying to get back on track but the train doesnt want to. But it is trying. Work is good. It's funny how people think im going to be bothered by what is going on. Cause honestly, I dont give a fuck. but i do have one thing to say about it, and that is, if people dont stop talking, i will find a way to make you stop. Guaranteed. Anyways. Mike and I are doing very well. I have been spending a lot of my time with him. We have so much fun together. He has taught me a lot. He is very inspiring and has a lot of good thoughts to share. You wouldn't believe the conversations we have. My birthday was okay. Can't say it was great because no one likes a funeral on their birthday. But Mike took me out to breakfest and we did the whole deal. I got DDR for my xbox. How pumped and I? lol

I am sorry if I have lost touch with a lot of you. Especially Kevin. Kevin, I love you, and I miss you. But losing touch isn't all my fault. It's most of my fault, but you are working a lot more than I am. I just hope that we can hangout Saturday. I will let you know.

Tomorrow is going to be a not so good day. I have to go get a CATscan of my head done and all that stuff. Mike said he will come with me, so hopefully I won't be as nervous.

Well, he should be here soon, and then I have to work until 7. I will write in sometime tomorrow. Or maybe Friday. I will try. Have a nice day.
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