Jun 12, 2006 14:48
I did absolutely fantabulous on my practice tests and my practice GEDs. 16 and 17 year olds are supposed to automatically take classes but if you do well enough on the practice GEDs then you don't have to. Four students (including me) who were 16-17 don't have to take classes. I'm like.. damn! I'm just glad I'm one of the ones who made it. Not sure yet when I can register for the actual test. July sometime I believe. I hope that it's not soon. I need to get money first.
Work is going fine, monday and tuesday I work at BK, wed. and thur. I work at W.H. and friday it's BK. Nothing too drastically hard and last weekend I got a good break. I'll write more as things happen. Also, I believe I'm leaning more towards staying in georgia for college. I know I can only go to a community college but I think I'll stay in GA. I'll check out some farther away from lilburn though, Gwinnett Tech and perimeter are still in even though they are close, but I need to check out tift college too while I'm at it. More to come...