Found this on the Shifty elf's page so I took the test and here I am:
I would not have guessed that this was an option, but seeing it I just shake my head, what can I say its right. I often concern myself too much about the needs of others over my own needs. Respect would be the largest need that I let slide. Once a big bald friend treated me with very little respect, and I just let it happen. One night I snapped on him, I had enough. I told him off a bit and dared him to bring it (knowing I could not hope to win but at the time I didn't care) Things changed. He has thus far treated me with far more respect and I have come to appreciate his presence far more. He can still be a dick, but that’s part of who he is, and some times it’s his blunt nature that makes him a better friend. But this is about me. I have learned that people respect you all the more when you stand up for yourself and demand that respect. I just wish I could do this more often.... Some day.....