Mar 30, 2005 13:26
Ok so it is extremely georgeous out today and i am wicked happy excpet im in work right now! :( wish i was outside. So Easter was ok i worked allllllllllllll day at the O club but made really good tips, excpet for that one bitch that left $5 with a $500 bill and we had to move her table for her, and i got her Fing lemon for her tea!! nice huh! ANyway so yeah easter was ok cause afetr i went to my Ben's house and he ahd a present fro me a card and flowers and chocolate all of my favorite things! cause he's thye best! but now back to today, i found out i have a calculus exam tonight....nice i guess u was out the day he announced it so i totally miss that one so im not so prepared but i'll study after work and hopefully it goes pretty good at math anyway. then after the exam i will head off to cheerleading, but i'll hafta be late cuase of my exam which kinda sucks but Oh well! But only 1 week till pittsburg!! SO excited! Xtreme Spirit is gonna rock!!!!!!! YAY! Anyway back to work!