Ski Urlaub

Mar 29, 2005 17:44

So I just got back from skiing in Austria. DAMN!! That was an awesome trip. At first I thought whoa the trip from hell because my whole host family can ski and then there is me. I had 5 days in the ski school with my host mom's boyfriend (Peter) and his older son (Manuel). My host tante, 2 cousins from bianca and lukas, oma, and the boyfriend from the host tante were there. Oh yeah Peter and his two sons were also there. The first two days of the ski school were no problem. Just learned how to ski on little hills nothing major. Then the third day through the fifth day we went to the top of the mountain. I had a little difficulties there. This one lady kept running into me when she was behind me and then when I finally got the sense to stay behind her, but she would run into someone else which made me run into some little kid. How many times have I had to run into the little kids? I would say about 5 or 6. I am the greatest. hahhaha. Then in two weeks, I hope to be in London with Micah and Jordan. Trying to speak English to the best of my ability. Which does not look so good. In May I am hoping to head to Paris and then Venice with my cousin and maybe Ornella. One week left and then I am back in school. Kinda looking forward to going back. I am just spending too much time with myself. Today jazz dancing was cancelled so my little host brother and I are going to play mini golf outside. Später.
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