Info Gathering

May 29, 2009 20:14

So. Trying to get back in the groove with Xanatos, and I figured one way to do that is with a little relevant information gathering. Specifically with the question: Can Xanatos badtouch you?

... okay, so that's something of a misnomer. We're talking for a given value of badtouch here, as Xanatos will not be molesting anyone. At least not in a traditional fashion. See, Xanatos views people as resources to be used and exploited to serve his aims, and I'd like to start playing that aspect up a bit more. But to do that I need to know 1) what characters might pique his interest, and 2) whether people are okay with having a Machiavellian Disney villain try his hand at exploiting them.

He's looking for people with unique knowledge, abilities, skill sets, natures, etc--anything valuable, whether that translates to dollar value or work hours. I'm looking for permission to have him take an interest in such characters. You're looking to help a guy out, I hope.
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