Aug 22, 2007 13:46
so ive been here since friday. i love it. i made a bunch of new friends, along with making better relationships with some old ones. my classes are pretty sweet so far. anatomy might be my hardest class or maybe psych. i havent had my bio lab yet so i dont know how thats going to go, but i have to disect a kitty sometime in the near future, and that will make me sick i already know it. but my sociology class is flippin sweet. ive never listened to someone talk to passionately about something. the teacher is a great speaker. i love him. today he brought his daughter, and she drew a picture and he put it up on the screen so that everyone could see it. then we discussed circumsision and how society has all of these cultural things that have evolved over thousands of years and we still have them today. he started stuttering because he got nervous talking about it and so he made people talk about it and he would like tell his daughter to close her ears it was cute. that is probably my favorite class. but anyway. i love college. end of story.
heres my classes
bio 255
hs 110
exsp 255
psych 230
bio 255L