Oct 12, 2006 21:15
why are things so fucked up? why am i so fucked up? itd be easier if i just wasnt here. i can't wait until college. i can escape from things. atleast my parts for rehearsal went well. apparently im too tight though. i need to loosen up and be more girly. bc im not teenager girly enough. oh well. i always knew i was a boy.
why doesnt anybody call me anymore? people used to call me everyonce and a while to see if i wanted to hang out. it kind of seems like i dont have friends anymore. i feel left out and shit. well atleast the underclassmen think im awesome. they're cooler than everyone.
josh sxiviskank is my knew best friend. and we're in a gang. be careful. or we'll hunt you down.
especially if your name is ashley wright.
everyone come see Bye Bye Birdie at east. we might be pushing it back like 2 weeks. so roosevelt kids, you can come watch. In scene 3 i get to strip on stage. whats better than that? nothing. absolutely nothing.
i miss you guys though.
please talk to me.
but tonight im going tping with my gurl jen mcd.
shes awesome. we do lunch together.