Jul 14, 2007 20:01
I'm not sure where the world is taking me.
I've been dreaming again.
This time, the entirety of Front Street is burning, and we're all trying to get across the river. Isaac is stuck in lava flowing from the shops, and I'm desperate trying to get him out. All of us are down there, all of us meaning the workers I deal with almost everyday, creating a sort of buddy system/human chain to try to get him out. Isaac breaks loose and they rejoice as I notice that my dog is sinking, and in flames. I hear her whimpers and she looks at me with these terrified eyes, almost as if asking "why are you letting this happen?" I can feel the heat from the flames and the tears roll down my cheeks as I dive in after her. The shock must have been too much, because that's where I woke up.
Last night, I dreamt that I was on my way somewhere familiar. I think it was supposed to be Woodland, but I'm walking on the river road. It's dark, but I can see silhouettes of trees and fences. I've got a flash light and a bag of sunflower seeds. Since I don't like sunflower seeds, I decided to open the bag and trail them behind me, hopefully feeding any creature that will pick them up. Suddenly I feel a swarm of little feet and wagging tails as I'm bombarded with the hot breath of puppies. I try to grab them, but I can't, so I drop more and more seeds at my feet. I pick up a little white one and walk to my destination, only to meet Tony. I ask him if Bryan and Dannah would want it, but he shoots me down. I ask him if I can keep it and he shoots me down again. So I take the puppy and keep it in a small box in a room without windows. And that's all I remember.
I'm sick of being at work and I'm so ready to go home so I can take a shower and check out Kate's work for second Saturday.
Tattoo on Monday!