I've been contemplating the last week and everything. Everyone. I realized that I can be so selfish with all my problems, and not take time to help out anyone else. Sorry about that, sometimes I just get so fed up that I just go on and on until I get it out,. and I end up bringing people down with me. I hate doing that.
Been thinking about who my real friends are, the kind that have stayed by my side throughout everything, and I've decided who my ultimate true best friends are, because you know, it's hard to have best friends like these. Two girls, two boys, you guys have been there for as long as I can remember...
Andrea, you are so good to me, do you know that? I remember meeting you in like 3rd grade or something, even though we never talked or anything. However, we somehow ended up as "Office Girls" in 5th grade, and we developed a shy friendship that resulted into the longest I've ever had. We've had so many stupid fights that I regret, and times where we wouldn't even talk, but we're still friends to this day, it's been almost 4 years now, and that's unbelievable. Our countless memories always make me happy, and all of our inside jokes, I swear some are just unforgettable. In other peoples' eyes, they probably see two girls who are insane, always laughing at stupid things said, but in my eyes, it's the best times ever. I'll never forget when you said "Distance doesn't mean a thing", because we've proved that. No matter how shitty I feel, you ALWAYS make me feel better, always keep me laughing, I love you so much<3 Bffaeaf.
Kelly, I met you in 6th grade, you were my first friend ever in New Jersey. I'll never forget how we met, back in english where you asked me to be your partner for some stupid project, and I was just like.."uh, sure". Even though you were my only real friend during that year, you made me feel so accepted, because you called me all the time, talked to me all the time, and always listened when I had something on my mind. You still do. We had the roughest year in 7th grade, and I'm sorry for that, but we're still friends, we're closer than ever. I may have a lot of friends now, but they haven't been there as long as you have, and I thank you for that. We're going to be friends forever, I can honestly say that. I love you<33
Matt, my drama queen, my slut, my everything. I absolutely cannot believe how close we are, you practically live at my house!! Haha. You know everything about me, all my secrets, every single detail. You've always accepted me for who I am, and I have done nothing but treat you the same way. We've had so many fights over the years, but I can't even remember the last time we had one now. You're the sweetest guy alive, and the only one I can ever feel comfortable with, knowing you wouldn't ever try to do something to me, you respect me, and that just adds on to the love I have for you. You're one of the only guys that I can say "I love you" to, and actually mean it. You're also the sexiest boy alive :D. I really do love you, always and forever<3 Bffaeae.
Kyle,"The other white meat" Lmao, you always manage to put a smile on my face with your girlish ways and feminine attitude. But what can I say, it's just another day in the life of Kyle Michaelson. You're so awesome, and I trust you so much. Just like Matt, I know you would never do anything to me, and I can tell you that I love you, and know you'd say it back with as much honesty as possible. We're inseperatable, whether we're looking at the cute boys or just hanging out at any randome place, you're the greatest. Forever and ever<33 I love you.
I love everyone who's ever been there for me, and still is, you guys are all so great. However, it would take forever to name you all, it's impossible. I'd do anything for you guys, everything. You keep me alive, and I thank you so much for that<3.
This summer, I'm going to try and make myself a better person, go out and get a job, apply myself, do better in school, everything. I'll be going to summer school for a month to get better in math, and I want to do way better, i'm going to be in 9th grade, highschool, it all counts from now on. The years go by too fast, man.