Dec 25, 2003 19:08
Today was nice. I went to go see "Cheaper by the Dozen" with my family and that was cool. The movie made me laugh - it was funny - but mostly I was laughing at the acting of those poor children. It was so sad. Then when I was about to use the restroom after the movie I ran into this lady and she dropped her purse, one look at her purse and I finnally realized that I had lost mine. I ran around for awhile before I found it. Then everyone else wanted to see "Cold Mountin" including myself so we grabbed a ticket and ran in. Jude Law is so incredibly gorgeous. Even all covered in blood he looks fabulous. That movie made me think so much. Jack White was in it - that was suprising. I also cried alot. I hate it when movies make you think so much that you question your actions in life. I'm so glad that those feelings only stay in for about three hours after the movie. I wish we could have seen "Cheaper by the Dozen" after "Cold Mountin" though because that made me so sad; it would have been so nice to have laughed after seeing such dark story. Oh well.
Don't you hate it that after you have been outside and when your fingertips,starved in the cold,touch the keyboard they fumble as if they had never been used before? I hate that. and its happening right now.
I got a letter in the mail the other day concerning the short story I wrote about the three young boys and their struggle to find peace and an end to their suffering. Many say that the letter inviting my family and I is nothing but that. Just an invitation and that I shouldnt get my hopes up. If only they knew. I won't get my hopes up. I will wish for nothing but good though. Considering that praying does no good - and by my nature wishing just seemes best.
- Maggie