
Jan 01, 2005 19:34

Name -Trina
Birthday - July 30
Birthplace - Long Island New York
Eye Color -Hazel                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hair Color - Brown-ish
Height - 5'3
Righty or Lefty - Righty
Zodiac sign - Leo
Innie or Outie - Innie
Your Heritage - Greek. Bitch.
The Shoes You Wore Today - Brown flip flops
Fears - having no meaning in life
Perfect Pizza - Pepperoni.
One thing You'd Like to Achieve - College
Style-clothing wise - Depends on my mood
Music - Different Kinds
Make-up-, Burts bees, MAC
Bodyart - ummm

| R i g h t | N o w |

Wearing - hmmm
Listening to - The starting line soundtrack
Thinking of - wanting a boyfriend

| L a s t | t h i n g | y o u |

Bought - Clothes
Ate and drank - subway, Dr. Pepper
Watched on TV- 7th Heaven
Read - Lovely bones

| W h a t | i s |

First thoughts waking up - Where am I? What time is it?
First feature you notice of the opposite sex - personality, looks
Best physical feature - depends on who u ask
Bedtime- When i fall asleep
Greatest fear - No Meaning in life
Most missed memory - Completely and 100% enjoying myself

| E i t h e r | o r |

Club or houseparty - Houseparty
Tea or coffee - cofee
Achiever or slacker - Biggest procrastinator u know 
Beer or cider - Beer                                                                                                                                                                                                          Drinks or shots - Shots
Cats or dogs - dogs
Single or taken - Single
Pen or pencil - Pen
Gloves or mittens - mittens
Food or candy - Food
Cassette or cd - CD
Coke or Pepsi - Coca Cola
Hard or mild alcohol - Hard
Matches or a lighter - Lighter
Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful - Sunset Beach
Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey - Oprah
McDonald's or Burger King - neither

Single or Group Dates - Single
Adidas or Nike - Nike
Chocolate or Vanilla - Chocolate
Cappucino or coffee - Coffee
Boxers or Briefs - Boxers

| D o | y o u |

Smoke -No
Curse - Yes
Sing well - Ha!                                                                                                                                                                                                                Want to go to college - Yes
Like highschool - When i do good and no ones fighting.
Want to get married - Yes
Think your a health freak- sometimes
Get along with parent(s) - for the most part
Like thunderstorms -Yes

| H a ve | you | ever |

Dated one of your best friends - No
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry - Yes
Drank alcohol- Yes
Done drugs - Nope
Broken the law - Who wants to know?
Ran away from home- Thought about it
Broken a bone - nope
Cheated on a test - Of course not! ;-)
Skinny dipped - No
Played truth or dare - Yes
Flashed someone - No
Mooned someone - Wasnt my fault
Kissed someone you didn't know -No
Been on a talk/game show - No
Been in a fight - God yes
ridden in a fire truck - No
Been on a plane -Yes
Come close to dying - Nope
Cheated on your boy/girlfriend - Yes, but i regret it
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride - Who hasent?!
Eaten a worm/mud pie - No
Swam in the ocean - Heck Yes!                                                                                                                                                                                        Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up - Yes
Played a game that required removal of clothing - No
Been trashed or completely intoxicated - not completely
Been caught - Nope
Shoplifted - Nope

| Who | do | you | want | to |

Kill - Thats a secret
Hear from - *Him*
Get really wasted with - A few people
Look like - Gisele (or however u spell it)
Be like - Myself
Avoid - a hand full of people

| Last | person | who | and | when |

Talked to - Ashley, An hour ago?
Hugged - Stef, when i left her house 
IMed - Mike, this morning
Kissed - Justin, Last night
Who broke your heart - .
You broke their heart - .
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