Jun 09, 2006 17:30
ya...so i dunno things are better now. i finally told pj what was up. i have kyle and i want to be with kyle and not pj. even if i wasnt with kyle i wouldnt want to be with pj. i dont like him like that only as a friend and well thats it. Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with him. He's always depressed and i hate it. He says he's not emo cause he doesnt slit his wrist but you know what... you dont need to slit your wrists to be emo. Pj is depressed all the time when i hang out with him...thats emo enough for me
My mom and nana should be home tomorrow soo i need to start cleaning i guess but oh well i'll do that later...
I've been finding pictures of my friends and stuff and you know i really miss the old days..
like in 8th grade when me and candy were ALWAYS together, i mean we're still friends and all but its different now. we're two completely different people now since 8th grade or even elementary school. sometimes i still wish i was 5.
I miss the cobins as well. Last year i was best of friends with them and now i barely talk to them...eh it happens though. they made friends up in derry now soo they dont need to come here anymore and well mandi has corey and well when people get boy/girlfriends thats the only person who want to hang out with it seems.
i would now....i have kyle...
i wish i could balance my boyfriend and my friends at the same time
well i guess i can because i see kyle on the week days after school and he goes to his dads house in saugus soo i can hang out with friends on the weekends soo i guess thats good.
you know its weird when i was little i couldnt wait to grow up....but now that i have grown up....all i want to do is be 5 years old again....everything was soo much easier then