another survey!!! YAY

May 10, 2004 16:02

--> b a s i c s .
[x] name: Alyssa MArie
[x] nicknames: lyss lyssa alysserr night prawler
[x] screen name:babyy x lyss
[x] sex: grlie
[x] birthday: October 5
[x] height: 5'3
[x] hair color: blondiee!!
[x] is your hair long or short: it`s kinda in the middle !
[x] eye color: blue
[x] siblings:none by blood but my girls are like my sisters
[x] who are your closest friends: lizzie ; nikki ;irene ; steph ash m n other ppl who i 4got srii
[x] who makes you laugh the most?:LIZZIE N NIKKI
Who knows the most about you?: lizzie

--> c r u s h I N . . .
[x] kindergarten: Gregory << lol liz
[x] 1st Grade: Cody << lol again liz
[x] 2nd Grade:cody
[x] 3rd Grade: cody
[x] 4th Grade: cody then kyle
[x] 5th Grade: i dunt rmeber
[x] 6th Grade: sean then scott
[x] 7th Grade: MIKE<3
[x] boy/girlfriend status:mike<3 luv ya
--> o t h e r .
[x] do you have a job: noperz
[x] what are you most scared of: nothin realli
[x] who's your role model: Melisserr n nicolerr
[x] most interesting thing you've done this summer: i don`t think it`s summer yet ! =\
[x] what store do you shop at the most : ummmm i dunno
[x] have you ever done any drugs: nope !
[x] do you collect anything: some seashells but im not big on collecting stuff
[x] are you a ditz: yeh
--> f a v o r i t e s .
[x] day of the week: friday
[x] thing in your room: my BIG fake tree and my tee vee
[x] cousin: idk i luv them all
[x] cd: lots !
[x] song(s): tONS!
[x] animal: dog !!!bark bark lol britt
[x] ice cream: chocolate chip mint
[x] drink: ice tea n lemonade
[x] thing to do: hang with my girlies
[x] movies of all time: lots and lots !
[x] hangout: anywhERe
[x] pizza topping: pepperoni or xtra cheese!! yumm
--> r a n d o m .
[x] where do you see yourself in 10 years: married with kidsw mayb n money caus eim goin 2 b an architect wit nicoleer n live in a mansion
[x] if you could live anywhere: hawaii or at least sumwhere with a beach n sunny
[x] dream house: a big mansion for me n muh husband that i share with steph n her husband lol stephh
[x] what age do you want to get married: around 20, 21 'ish
[x] how many kids do you want: 2 or 3 or 4
[x] girl's name: not sure yet
[x] boy's names:joseph anthony,greg ?

--> h a v e Y O U e v e r .
[x] been in love?: yeh =(
[x] lied?: of course ! :]
[x] cheated on a test?: yupp me lyssa and stephy in the 4th grade on a spanish quiz ! lol
[x] cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope never!!
[x] tied your shoes together?: uh huh !
[x] eaten something with a lot of fat?: yuppers !
[x] had sex?: ;]

--> f e e l i n g s .
[x] worst feeling in the world: losing someone you love so much n never gettin 2 sai good bye
[x] best feeling in the world: being loved by sum1
[x] can you define love?: yeh
[x] do you get along with your parents?: yehh
[x] are you ticklish?: yes very much

--> o p p o s i t e S E X .
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: their personality n eyes
[x] perfect "dream" date: idk
[x] who is your best friend of the opposite sex?: problie sean or scott
[x] what do you look for in the opposite sex? personality ; sense of humor ;and how they treat me
[x] what does the opposite sex not know about you? alot

--> n i g h t T I M E .
[x] what do you wear to bed: pajamas
[x] what's your bed time: whenever i WANT to go to bed haha
[x] do you wish on stars: no
[x] is there a TV in your room: of course
[x] what's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: think about stuff n read

--> m i s c e l l a n e o u s .
[x] how many schools have you been to: only 1
[x] are you passive or aggressive: well i would tell you but i don`t know what it means
[x] vanilla or chocolate: chocolate all the waii
[x] would you rather be hot or cold: HOTT!
[x] what is your curfew: whenever

--> f r i e n d s .
[x] person you can trust the most: the true ones
[x] what is the best quality of a friend: a good listener
[x] what friend do you have the most fun with: all of them !

--> s t u p i d S T U F F .
[x] do you glow in the dark: not that i know of !
[x] do you posses magical abilities: i can do card trick yehh[x] do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: nope
[x] can you name all 4 Teletubbies: uhhh nope sorrie
[x] if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: not sure
[x] have you ever tried to kill yourself: noo
[x] do you know anyone who SERIOUSLY wanted to kill themselves?: yes
[x] who do you really hate?: wen ppl lie2 u
[x] what are you addicted to?: pizza
[x] do you like jewelry?: yupp of course cause diamond are a girl`s best friend lol
[x] do you wear a watch?: nope
[x] did/Do you have braces?: nah my teeth r prettty straight
[x] do you believe in God?: yeah
[x] do you believe in love at first sight?: it depends
[x] what are your favorite tv show(s)?: the O.C ; real world sand diego ; the bachelor < Jesse Palmer fear factor
[x] what color tooth brush do you use?: blue
[x] is the glass half empty or half full: half full
[x] most dangerous thing you've ever done: idk
[x] are you listening to any of your CDs at the moment: no

hehe ahh g2g sofball game !! later!!
x0x lyss!!!
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