Dec 18, 2008 15:23
In the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, the term Lonsdale youth became a widely used synonym for teenagers with extreme right wing tendencies, sometimes associated with the gabber subculture.[1][2] A website, Lonsdalenews, has been set up to track racist incidents in the Netherlands.[3] Right-wing extremists have liked tops bearing the Lonsdale logo, allegedly because a carefully placed jacket can leave only the letters NSDA showing; acronymic of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter, National Socialist German Worker, and one letter short of NSDAP, the German language acronym for Hitler’s Nazi Party.
Lonsdale reacted to this development by sponsoring anti-racist events and campaigns, and by refusing to deliver products to known neo-Nazi retailers. In 2003, the "Lonsdale Loves All Colours" campaign was launched, emphasizing non-white fashion models. Subsequently, the popularity of Lonsdale clothing among the far right dropped.
перевожу вкратце
боны начали активно таскать шмотки "Лонсдейл" и использовать логотип в своих целях. в частности выделяли буквы NSDA как акроним для гитлеровской партии.
Лонсдейл ответил на это спонсорством анти-расистских компаний и отказом продажи известным нео-наци продавцам. в 2003 году стартовала компания "Лонсдейл любит все цвета" с участием "не белых" моделей.
так что лонсдейл антифа фирма )))