(no subject)

May 25, 2012 08:15

Yesterday I dragged my sleep-deprived self to the Cloisters for a tea appointment and my companion thoroughly enthralled with thoughts on a pending post-doctroral thesis on the theology of work and its inherent dignity...

It's annoying that I haven't really had the wherewithall to pursue the Greece news (well, they've been primarily political as of late) as much as I'd have liked, any non-law downtime has necessarily meant mindless Internet entertainment for me recently. I recall wanting to do my undergraduate dissertation on the sovereign debt crisis and the EFSF, how the EU should consider restructing its sovereign debt or reformulating its rules on corporate governance. It was hugely exciting because the hypothetical possibility of sovereign insolvency, which has as of now remained a purely academic proposal, seemed to be taking place right before our eyes. For EU lawyers, it's also hugely exciting in relation to the challenges of our teleological constructions of the TFEU...

Will expand on this thought later, need to get back to revision for my exam in 1 hr! *shiver*

law geekery

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