Dec 12, 2004 17:41
Well, this is what I’ve been thinking about. It’s more a feeling and a concept than a thought, and that’s why it may be hard to express with words, but I promise I will do my best to be as detailed as I can.
I would appreciate any criticism, any controversy, any questions, and any feedback you can give.
Many thinkers, spiritual leaders, philosophers, and masters have used geometry. There is a way to incorporate many truths into observation, just like there is another side to the coin. There are many paths, all of them leading to the same place, (they just have to!) evolution takes its place and its wake is unavoidable. There is no standing still.
We are all doing what we WILL in the aspect that we are here living this life. That is the basic manifestation of our Will that is aligned with divine Will. Divine Will presides over individual wills. The speed of manifestation of individual Will is in direct proportion with its alignment to Divine Will. The more aligned to Divine Will an individual Will is, the faster its manifestation toward evolution. Divine Will, in this case, would be the “something greater than yourself”, the “Will of the ALL”, “God”, etc. Individual Will is the “I” , the “Essence”, the “Spirit” of which the body and mind are a manifestation of in an individual.
The Will is the Masculine aspect, the “I”, the architect who designs the plans for the house to be built, and it is unable to create. The Feminine aspect is the plastic substance that bonds electrons, and atoms together, that gives shapes and forms to the energy in nature; it is the manifestation of the Will and it has no will of its own, other than to manifest, “to please”, to completely “surrender” to her beloved “I”.
As the ALL has a Will (as above) so does the individual (so below), and they are the same in kind and quality, the only difference is one of degree. In a way, you can think of the ALL as a CEO who does NOT micromanage. The manifestation of the ALL is the LAW. As we know, there are basic principles ruling all the planes but that do not apply to the ALL itself. Those principles or LAWS are what determine the extent of the ALL’s Mental Gender in its WILL and its Manifestation. The rest is subject to those Laws and capable to utilize Mental Gender to create within the boundaries of those Laws, and within the plane or planes that it has mastery over.
Those Laws are reflected anywhere in Nature, they are reflected in Geometry, in Symbolism, in what we call “natural laws” such as gravity, etc. There are also constants that are found throughout nature, like for instance, Pi.
God Bless.