FALL RETREAT WAS A BLAST!!! - - - Blessed be the name of the Lord

Nov 23, 2004 23:35

- - -Blessed be your GLORIOUS name....

So...The soreness of this weekend has finally worn off....! So0o ok let's start at the beginning Friday we rode up there to Camp Awanita Valley or something....it's in the mountains in south carolina. So we got there and put our stuff in our rooms and all and went to our first devotion...it was cool. Then we went on a hayride that was all of two seconds...not as cool as our churches though ours was colder...but then we went and had hot chocolate...and my lovely BRUNETTE sister keep in mind she's brunette....overlooks the packs of chocolate mix and puts her cup under the hot water thing and she's like "all i got was water" and we were like "REALLY? wow"...haha i love her.you'd wonder who's the blonde in that family..haha... so yeah we went back to the rooms and went to sleep i'm pretty sure that's all that happened friday. So sat. we woke up pretty early i guess...went to breakfast and stuff....then devotion...then team building challenge ok that was strange...John held a peice of rope tied to a tree and it was an "electric fence" and we had to get all of us on the other side without going under it or touching it...so like joseph and josh were lifting everyone then josh had to go to KP (kitchen patrol) and all the guys that were left were these eighth graders...who look like scrawny and stuff...and like joseph and them had to lift me and i was like no way..and so i was like standing there "ok guys do we really have to - - - OK OK I'M IN THE AIR OMGSH"- - and like this 8th grader like tiny like helped lift me ok that kid was strong..he didn't look it but he shwas....so yeah team building challenge was cool then we went off to lunch...and then came FREE TIME whoo hoo! We went to first go ride horses but...there were already people there so we had to wait...so some of us hiked up to some falls...oh it was really pretty....then came back and went on horses...my horse, Rusty, liked to randomly stop and eat off the assorted plants around...joy...so he's stop and i'm like "OK OK LEt's go" and then the horse that KICKED my sister....(she was going to get on it and it kicked her in the stomach..and she fell and got all dirty and stuff)....was right in front of me the whole time stopping just cos it didn't want to be giving joy rides that day..so i kept thinking "ok this huge horse is gonna kick the crap out of mine and mines gonna buck and throw me off or something" but luckily it didn't...so yeah then we decided we wanted to go get in the MUD PIT...yes...it's exactly what it sounds like...pit of muddy water and mud. We got some really old clothes on and got in the mud pit..that was fun...then we went to go down the "zip-line" like you hold onto a thing and run off a dock high up and yeah you um like slide into the lake holding onto this thing...yeah it was fun...FREEZING but fun...when i hit the water i thought my toes had fallen off..but um they were still there..so that's good. But yeah after the zip line thing it took about 8 years but we all finally got showered (we only had ONE shower haha fro like 10 girls ya riggght) MUD IS REALLY HARD TO GET OUT OF YOUR HAIR...haha not to mention gross...i had like caterpillars showeing with me it was nasty...but hmm yeah then we went on a Hummer ride.. like open back hummer ride up a mountain over huge bumps and stuff..it was awesome..haha everyone was falling on each other, kellie, who was like 4 people over ended up on my lap at one point..how? we don't know. it was fun though when you got to the top you could see all these really pretty mountains...then after the hummer ride we went to dinner then a devtotion then we went up the mountain on the hummer again*it's dark now* and we talked about what God has shown or done for us that weekend...it was really cool on top of the mountain at night...the city lights and stuff looked really neat....so yeah then we left after quiet time and stuff Sunday morning...it was really fun..i was really sore and stuff...all better now though haha Totally fun church retreats OH YES!

-Until Then-

Some pics:

Mud Pit!

Zip Line

Hummer Ride

Sexy Trio- - I think erica looks the best in the underwear....
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