(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 17:20

Despite my penchant of being stern in my opinions, I am sick and tired of having to deal with these pseudo-intellectual idiotics prattling on about some left or right wing bullshit, blaming whatever problem with society or country on the closest and easiest target. No I am not a fan of George Bush, but how on earth can you blame the guy for a hurricane? Since the war has calmed down and the economy seems to be evening itself out, liberals are scrabling to find things to blame on Bush. For conservatives, I am sick of having to hear more chubby, redneck jackasses speak about abortion. You have no real opinion, basing all you say on your religion and political affiliation. Either that or your staunch aversion to abortion stems from the fact that your whore mother concieved you on a drunken binge in Atlanta by shacking up with Sleepy the janitor in the back of a Toyota pickup, and you, if it were available back then, would (should) have been vacumed out. I ask all of you who are activist, who think that we actually give a rats ass and thus shove it down our throats with protests and television pundits, please, kill yourself. I know this idea is nothing new, but it just seems right, right about now.
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