These lungs welcome the crimson tides of misfortune...

Nov 15, 2002 03:04

'Hell to pay, this is my farewell to this city'
xjoansaidpleasex: there's this movie i want you to see, if you haven't already. it's called entropy. and it's about this guy who finds this amazing girl, and she leaves him and messes around with this other boy. so, he is heartbroken and goes off on random crazy things like marrying a girl after knowing her for five minutes. and at the end, he talks about finding your 'stella'. the one girl that makes you feel alive every second of the day, the girl that makes your heart beat with every word she says, and the girl that makes you smile regardless of what's going on. and once you find that 'stella', you can't ever let her go because guarenteed you won't ever find another girl as amazing as her.
xjoansaidpleasex: you are my 'stella'.
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