This is the new shit. . .

Aug 24, 2005 13:56

Ok. Today first day of school woke up at 5, got a ride from MB. Got to school went to math which is ok but sukx. Then i went to drawing and painting where as soon as i set foot in the room i was greeted with dezis bird. haha. then we went outside and drew bushes i had her laugh so i could make bush texture and it was funnie. heh. funnie. Then the shit stains for brains we almost killed him. It would be pretty and he look slike shit with black hair it looks gross. ewww. then we were gonna get a ride form mb to meijers but her vehicle died so we walked to the top of the hill and got saved by assleys TRUE SECRET ANGENT LOVER MAN!!! Thnkx you to the lord of all and my lover lucifer!! Mary my old boss thought we were gonna rob mom...ahhh ha ha. then we purchased a lemon turkey and killed it. Then wandered around till mom dropped us off at home. The weird stuck his tounge in assleys nose. ah ha ha. mmmm weiner "saliva"!!!! We are about to go to the cemetary to see how many graves yesterday we spent three hours counting all the vetrans and the total of all was 575 so now we are intersted! so yeh. . . .

Peace and condom grease,
Domi the truely fucked up homi

heh. you look like a jellybean on steriods. ahh ha ha
mmmm goldfishes are delicious
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