D3ar Di3-Ary,
Today I didnt really do much, I
just lounged around the house and gave into drowsiness. Damn chocolate
milk. . . it must have drugged me!! Ah ..no really though then Dez came
over and I got dressed and we ventured to the library, and sat on the
red couch. There were some little kids on the game computer by us and
then this one old lady came and got some water from the water keg
thingy, and ahhh i almost freaked out!! When she drank she made slurp
sounds that drove me made...then i heard the little kids saying " he he
she looks mad.." how about i rip your heads off little kids shut the
hell up! lol not really... then we went back to the house and attempted
to find some four leave clovers but no luck so then i showed her my
future vehicle. . . and then i walked her to some firehidraynt and she
left went home and then went to meijers for food because papa is
leaving for florida in the morning and wont be back till sunday so im
home alone. . . weirdness! Not neh. . . i feel confused!! yeh now the
moose commands me to go to bed so i shall obey before he wakes people
up....peaces and heartache!!