(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 03:26

'Effing. Tired. There's a 10% chance I'll make it to my Linguistics class tomorrow... but we shall see.

Ole and Manori came to hang out for a bit, and (score!), I got two free boxes of cereal today - Ole gave me Honey Nut Cheerios and Dan gave me his box of Rice Krispies. I'm all stocked up on cereal for the next couple of weeks, me thinks.

Not a whole lot to update on, 'cept for the fact that I studied about five hours today. I kid you not. And it's not like I have a midterm tomorrow or a presentation or anything, I just really sat down and got a shitload of work done. It felt pretty good though. I even helped Dan with his three loads of laundry (and managed to sneak in some of my clothes with his too - can't really pass up free laundry!), and watched Jon and people play Super Smash Brothers, or whatever that game's called. I've only tried it once and my skills were, um... quite laughable.

So aside from tomorrow being Monday, this week's looking good. Manori's having a house party on Friday night, and Saturday night is Totem Formal. Kinda sucks that Dan won't be able to dance or anything (at least I'm assuming he won't be able to, heh), but it should still be a good time. If it's anything like Winter Formal was I'm sure it'll be a good time.

... Rawr. Night.
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