Soo...It's Sunday. Day after Adamfest. And I am sore as hell. I can barely move my neck from all the headbanging that went on. It should be illegal to rock as hard as I do. Haha.
But anyways, yeah...Adamfest II rocked sooo much. It had a pretty awesome turn out. The bands were just amazing. Nostaferu, you guys did a pretty kikass job. Impressed me, and made me proud. And we got a pit going so yeah, all is good. Hee. And Hillbilly Deathride. Omg, sooo kikass.
Gah, the bass player for Granpappy's Lap. Oh my jesus, whoo-wee was I totally wanting his sex. And of course my lovely Joe, from SKT. He's oh so cute. I could hear his bass line loud and clear and it was so awesome. Oh and the girl bassist from the Instigators? Yeah, i think that's it. She was fuckin hawt.
The mosh pits were great. Although I fell down once, I just got right back up and started to thrash again. I just hate ignorant people who see someone fall down then start thrashing them WHILE they are still trying to get back up. Pisses me off.
Yeah, I slept til 4:30 today. How, I don't know but I did. Gah, so tired and lazy today. But I believe that's how all Sundays are. Have no idea what imma do next weekend. But oh well.
Welp, imma go. Later,
Cryptic Sin:
Hillbilly Deathride:
Mmmm. Joe, you sexy ass bass player. <3
AAW..isn't he just adorable. I love him. His hugs and love are no doubt the best. I hope he keeps on fighting this. As a cancer survivor myself, I know how all that works. Right here fighting with ya Adam! <33333
And here is one...VERY..tired...Lex.
Eep, I look so tired..and ugly at that. Oh well.
There ya have it.