back. miss me?

May 08, 2008 16:23

this is what life is.
life is spring and sunshine and warm weather.
life is basking in the sun at lunch instead of eating, since i've probably already eaten a ton of stuff that i shouldn't have.
life is eating on the bus and having assholes accuse you of being anorexic and suggest bulimia as an alternative.
life is fighting allergies and my weight.
prom excitement and prom depression.
nicknames and inside jokes.
friends and parties and battles with parents.
knowing people have crushes on you and feeling guilty.
but still kinda digging another kid.

i've pretty much given up on anything between us.
i'm just happy with our occasional... whatever we have. contact. yeah.
now all i have to do is get to the point where i'm not following him around like a forlorn puppy.

musical's over and i'm devastated.
i lost my family.

i think i ruled my ap calc test yesterday. it didn't go horribly.
i was surprised.
apush test tomorrow!
i'm pretty hyped.
scratch that.
i'm freaking terrified. :3
oh well, too bad.
we'll wing it, mmkay?
let's see how this goes.

me, parents, spring, musical, friends, stuff, sun, food, apush, calc, ap tests, life

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