get it out before it swallows you.

Mar 22, 2009 00:08

who am i?
all set adrift.
i define myself by the people i hang around with.
but now everyone's going crazy about prom and it's making everything fall apart.
i fell and hoped and was hurt and fulfilled a wish several months late-
too late.
it's not my wish anymore.
i don't know what it is, but it's an opportunity and i believe in opportunities.
i gave up and got over-
and got run over by a steamroller of irony.
i love my best friend all the more for it, though.
she's so beautiful and amazing.
maybe i should just give up on boys altogether and ask HER to prom.
all of this is just going to make us stronger.
we'll come out the winners, and we will do it looking gorgeous.
somehow i know i have to come through this.

i have to find out who i can believe.
who i can trust.
i have to stop telling everyone everything.
because i told that boy ABSOLUTELY everything-
hopes, dreams, fears.
past me, present me, future me.
except he fell for her because he can't "figure her out".
so... lesson learned?

never, ever fall that hard for a boy again.
and if you do, pretend that you haven't.
and above all, don't reveal too much of yourself.
keep them guessing.

i thought i did that much naturally.
guess not.

i've been grounded so much recently...
being sarcastic and having a "bad attitude".
i went to ihop wednesday morning for breakfast with a college friend of mine.
without telling my parents.
not my finest moment.
they found out, of course.
and then i got in an accident on the way to musical yesterday-
this guy hit my back tire!!
it scared the crap out of me.

so right now...
my life is crap.
i'm leaning so hard on my friends to keep my head above the water right now.
i'm so tired of swimming and there's no land in sight.

i want to run and scream and dance.
stay out all night and

relationships, me, parents, friends, boys, honesty, girls, pancakes, problems, life

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