
Jan 03, 2008 21:32

courtesy of

1. Why did you join livejournal? When?

recently. about a week ago, i guess. the purpose is to have a place to post my random thoughts, get feedback, talk to fun people and be an attentionwhore.

2. What are your favourite movies?

i'm in love with the lion king, the matrix, PotC, and... umm... a lot of other random movies.

3. What is your dream job? Are you on the path toward that job?

dream job? i don't have just one. i guess i'd like to be an interpreter for the U.N., and i'm still at the point where that's a possibility.

4. How do you feel about politics, abortion, and plastic surgery?

i'm definitely left-wing and i support obama and kucinich. i'm not entirely sure why i dislike hillary, but it could have something to do with the fact that maybe i want to be the first female president. i think abortion is a woman's choice and the option should be available. plastic surgery... whatever floats your boat, i guess.

5. What are your favourite books?

whoah. that's not a good question to ask. i like a lot of books, but authors are probably easier to record. Scott Westerfeld, Tamora Pierce, C.S. Lewis, Robert Jordan, Will Shetterly, Garth Nix and Phillip Pullman are a few off the top of my head.

6. What hobbies do you enjoy most?

again, a problem. i love doing a lot of things, even some that i've only done once or twice. but as for more or less useful hobbies, i like weaving, taking photos, running [even though i don't do it that much], writing poems, shopping [does that count as a hobby?], analyzing people, doing logic puzzles and doing stuff with my friends.

7. How do you put on your pants, and tie your shoes? Right leg first? Bunny Ears or Loop de Loop?

pants: sitting down, both legs simultaneously [weird, i know]. occasionally followed by frantic jumping around if they happen to be tightish. shoes: i guess you call it loop de loop, but the non-bunny-ears method.

8. What kind of people do you hang out with? Cliched or otherwise.

i love people in general, so i'll hang out with anyone who'll talk to me. i get along with a surprising variety of people. but my inner circle, i guess, you'd call the "smart girls".

9. What is something truly unique, or weird, or different about you?

i'm a pathological liar, but i only tell the truth on teh interblag. i don't eat mammals. i fall in love with almost everyone i meet. my life's been pretty normal, yet i can perfectly analyze and empathize with even the most messed-up kids. i'm attracted to troubled backgrounds like a moth to a porch light.
find someone else with that combination, i dare you.

10. How fast do you type?

60 or 70 wpm, i think. thereabouts. maybe a little higher.

survey, movies, random, books, hobbies, questions, answers, opinions, problems, trouble, dream job, boredom, q & a

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