
Oct 19, 2004 20:13

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about God and me. Like how I stand. At the beginning of the school year I was so on fire-everything was going so awesome- I was connecting so much with God and everything was great. Then something happened- my schedule caught up with me I guess and God fell to the wayside. Now Im not as happy. I want to be ( Read more... )

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unfittobeyou October 20 2004, 14:49:03 UTC
steph honey- (i sounded like a maja, but still)

i am going to tell u a lesson i once heard a speaker say that might just guide u as far as your whole situation goes.

a girl was in love with god but she also was in love with soccer. she loved soccer sooo much that there came a point to where she was worried she was losing tact with god. On a lot of days she would get home late and sometimes her parents would lock the door and occasionally they wouldnt. so she said to god "If you want me to let go of soccer because its taking me away from you, then the door will be locked. and if it should be locked, i will quite soccer" so the next night she came home late, and her door was unlocked. Point of this story: God saw that she noticed what was happening with her soccer vs him thing, and not only did she notice it, she showed god that she was willing to give it up all for him. and seeing that she did, he let her keep it.

and as far as the worship thing.... i know how that feels at least i was once like that. but then my friend sonja told me to just ignore everyone around u and just focus on god. sometimes when im having troubles focusing on him, i imagine him in front of me in some form and sing to him, and i lift my hands up. a lot of people have issues with worshipping to their furthest extent. another thing to focus on is just remember how much god loves you and how much he wants to be down their holding you. pretty amazing things happen when u lift your hands up to christ. sometimes u can even feel him, i know i have. on that note, foothills winter camp is in january, it costs 90 bucks and if u cant afford that or your parents just dont want to afford that there are fundraisers and i know im going and itd be nice to have you there also :)


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