(no subject)

Oct 19, 2004 20:13

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about God and me. Like how I stand. At the beginning of the school year I was so on fire-everything was going so awesome- I was connecting so much with God and everything was great. Then something happened- my schedule caught up with me I guess and God fell to the wayside. Now Im not as happy. I want to be able to feel as I did before LIFE caught up with me I guess- when everything was summer and carefree and I could make myself Jamba Juices and tuna sandwiches and wear my cheer camp clothes all day and listen to Gods voice.

I was kindve struck today in Chapel when I was looking around at all the people about how many people werent singing. I know for myself that when Im in chapel I want to put my hands up and totally rock out-but I dont becuase Im too shy. I wish there was some way that I could take people like me and make them sing like they want to God.

I need to realize the little things again. The little things that God does for us that we shrug off as coincidence or just normal life. I used to and I need to start again.

I love Jesus

My Alpinians- Krys, Loni, Jaz etc: I miss you guys so much. Your friendships are worth so much to me, you dont have any idea. I was remebering all the good times we have had and I felt sad knowing thst we seem to never find time to see each other. So lets set a date way far in advance to see each other and just be us. I love you guys

PPS- Thanks for the takers of my poll. Blanket prevailed- although I didnt get to rock it at lunch b/c I ate in the art room instead. But next cold day w/ no rain FO SHO. We should start a club or something ;)

Ok Im done now really ♥
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