You're hot like the chili pepper I ate for breakfast!

Nov 27, 2004 21:33

Well, I guess being in Garden City just inspires me to write in this thing.  Even liveJournal has changed since G-town!  wo crazy.  SO I'm homeee :-)  and seeing all of my bestest friends and family just makes me super happy.  I mean I love georgetown, but it's just so great to see familiar faces.

Sooo the doolster and i traveled home together by Delta Express on Tuesday night.  It was a nice quick flight, that night I chose to forgo the party @ FInn's and just stay home with my family and relax, it was wonderful.  Then Wedensday my mom and I shopped like an absolutely ridiculous nad unprecendented amount which was great.  At night we partied @ Finn's and it was nuts.  The boys got Grant schwasted for his first time since home (oh Olaf...) and needless to say, he was a mess...literally.   Then the bathroom overflowed,  which cause the basement to begin to flood.  What a night.  It was so nice seeing everyone though.   Then we all met up at CPD until the wee hours of the night and it was soo so so much fun.

Thursday = Thanksgiving.  I loveeed seeing my family it was so super, especially since 3 of us had just started college this year and were seeing every1 for the first time too.  Super cool.  Awesome food.  Overall, just a really really good day!

Friday my mom and I celebrated Black Friday like whoa.  We got so much done though as far as xmas presents for the huge family so it worked.  At night it was a girls night and we chatted about game overs, college life, brittany's inability to get ready quickly, boys and carebears named kevin, oh razy stuff.  We met @ Brit's, then went to Caroline's, where she took forever to pick out her damn shoes.  (luv youuu!) THen partied @ Zayas's.  It was so random, but I kinda liked seeing a bunch of random people.  Tim was nuts though.  He like flung me over his shoulder when I got there and in doing so scared the crap outta me.  I've never seem him so nuts. G-dub has made him over the top, oh timothy I love youu.  What else? Oh , so the cops came and every1 like hid in the basement while they searched (actually no, brit and car were hiding in the bathroom as court and i found out via texting...ohh nelly.) .  Then we came back to my house were we ate, watched bet, harper slept, and chatted.  OMG and court and i brought back the chili pepper lines with a very "ballsy" text to Carolien's game over victim..hehehee.

Ok so today was super.  I did some shopping of course, a lot of xmas decorating, REALLY wanted to go to the playoff game but had to analyze some dvds for usps, oh well. Now I'm off to party like its 1999 at Brit's goodtime good timesss.....

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