Feb 08, 2004 18:16
This weekend ws soo busy for me as usual..i have too much of a life, and not just irrelevant social issues...actual things that need to be done to maintain my sanity and secure my near future, if that makes any sense. so, fri i worked and went home to sleep...sat went to all the ill music classes i go to NEC BLS St. Botolph....(more about the specific music stuff i do later...) AND they went extrmemly well except for this whole culture clash thing thats beginning to divide the Women's Choir im in. its like all the girls are dividing into small groups based on all these opinionated thoughts of the new music we're getting. its the one chior i could go to where everyone truly worked as a team because they all chose and auditioned to get in..now gurls are losing interest, arguing over music, and repeating racist remarks. the whites dont wanna sing gospel music....and the blacks aren't too fond of the classical..thats why there was a demand for more gospel/soul music. it was due to the fact that we got a lot more gurls this semster and a lot of them were black. they wanted to do other things than classical or contemporary..now there are like....not only artistic disputes but its turning into a racial issue also....it really depressed me when we continued to practice the song and i had to watch the contempyuous expressions on he gurls' faces....why is there so much hate?? i suppose everyone has their own personal reasons for being racist, bias, or just a plain old hater. anywayz...i lost my voice too due to sickness so now im even more depressed because i have band rehearsal tomorrow evening and have to show the rest of the band members all the work i did on the improved harmony sections. so im upset due to my stupid human nature tendencies and everyone else's..but still i ask, why so much HATE?? you may say, its human nature to be ignorant and hate what you do not know.....if thats being human..i would be perfectly content being anything but.
Check out www.ericcolville.com, the band i song in..tell me ur opinion and listen to the mp3's.peace
<3 Xtina <3