She said don't open the door.

Jul 03, 2005 16:38

"Hi, thanks for calling."
"My name is laksjfdlaskf."
"Could you please spell that for me."
"Not for you."

[insert picture of baby with a pale face and black lips holding its ears here]

War of the Worlds. Shitty.
Getting called a pervert by a guy with a bandanna on his head. Awesome.
My roommate Jennifer. Finally washed the dishes.
Seeing various individuals. Good.
Kissing. Wouldn't bother me if it happened again.
Haircut. Needed.
Canadian zip codes. Have letters in them.
Jean Claude Van Damme. Would kick Steven Seagal's ass in a fight.
Waking up at five in the morning to a fat guy banging on your window. Annoying.
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