So first two days go like this :
FIrStDaY wasnt
as bad as i thought it would be!! Polly (girl i known for ages but only
actually met like twice) looked after me and it was ok!
so that was good
YeSteRDaY: Had
two free periods in the morning, so walked home with Polly and watched
tv...then went in for one lesson mathswhich was fine, then came home
and fell asleep til my sis came home lol
Then went to TeNNiS last night, and there were these 3 *spanish boys* there!! I was like
holllllllllly cow one of them is hotttt! I was like haha thats awesome,
cuz they cant speak english, which is just so funny and cute, we
eventually figured out they moved here last week and the hot ones going
into my year at school!! So i hope hes im some of my classes! Its so
was better! I swear this school gets better with everyday you go to it,
everyones so sweet to me, i love polly, jess, n kirsten w/o them i
would be so lost! French this morning was soo funny, hot guy called
James in my class, and hilarious kids. Geog was hilarious aswell, this
stupid kid had me like pissing myself with laughter the whole class, it
now feels like i never left England, its just so back to old ways,
screwing around in class, having a laf, its bizarre, but fun
ToMMoRoW : am sposed to be going to cobham, so should be good to see amanda and ashley
havnt seen them for AGES its crazy!
~Much love kids