When you lose, don't lose the lesson....

Apr 10, 2005 12:12

So I haven't updated since b4 spring break...and I don't want to update about Taiwan now so....

Saturday was history day, and I was the only one from our school that didn't qualify for nationals, and the thing is that I deserved to move on because I had the best board in the room and bibliography and content and interpretation and analysis...(my bibliography was 20 pages and my competition's was 1-5 pages) so I don't know what went wrong...maybe the project was too good...or maybe they underestimated that a student could do such a thorough project...I didn't even place like there were four places and top two move on...So after the awards ceremony all I did was cry...but my mom was like it's good you learned this life lesson now..that life is unfair...you couldn't even compare their boards to mine. they said I explained my topic to them verbally but not on the board...the thing is I put a timeline on oneside and miscommunications on the other...and I tied it together with my thesis in the center (which was in red paper) so it would stick out and they would see it. Maybe the judges were that incompetent...I'll post pictures later..I wouldn't be so upset if I didn't work so hard on it...and I wouldn't be bragging if I wasn't proud of my accomplishments and my project..and had not thrown it together the night before like everyone else....this is beyond unfair...this is UNDESERVING...but who am I to say..maybe this is all a part of God's Divine Plan. I'm not going to lose the lesson though because what I've learned is at a Master's level (MBA) level, and I've really considering majoring in something like this in college...and then if I become famous one day and write a book. I can say FUCK YOU HISTORY DAY.

I feel like this can't be happening, like this is all a dream.

I've been cheated and now my eyes are swollen like balloons...I don't think I've ever cried this much...life sucks at the moment. But thanks to all the people who cheered me up afterwards, especially Juli, who made me totally forget about everything.

I don't know if I should still go to D.C. with everyone else cuz my mom and teacher both said it was ok, but I would feel really out of place. I really want someone to rejudge my project. Even though I know what I learned, and the judges might not have known, my aunt says I still should feel accomplished and yet I don't..maybe that's greed, but I don't think so.

I wish someone understood what I was going through.

My aunt did give me a couple hundred dollars to cheer me up, but this is the one time money or presents can't cheer me up...I know how shallow/superficial that sounds.

Don't you hate it when you really need to talk to someone and they aren't there? Screw that I'll always be there for you shit.


Bartholomew <3
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