I'm bored and really ought to be memorizing the prologue to Romeo and Juliet. So have sum meme instead. :D
1: What are your current fandoms?
a) The World Ends With You
b) Persona 4
c) .hack//G.U.
d) Code Geass
2: 5 favorite characters of each fandom?
a) Josh, Mr. H, Neku, Shiki, and Kariya
b) Main Character (though that feels like cheating, haha), Naoto, Chie (Galactic Punt~), BroYosuke, uhm... Rise
c) OVAN, Zelkova, Haseo, Endrance, Sakubo
d) Lelouch, Suzaku, Lloyd, Cecile, C.C.
3: 3 favorite pairings?
a) Joshua/his ego, Joshua/Shibuya... Joshua/Neku?
b) Kanji/Naoto, uhm... Character/Persona? xD; -lame-
c) Ovan/Haseo, Shino/Haseo, Haseo/Endrance
d) Lelouch/Suzaku, Suzaku/Euphemia... um. Nina/Table? -shot'd-
4: Alright, what's your fav thing about your fandom?
a) The fact that even if you are completely deprived of a gaydar, Joshua will still register on it.
b) Social Link awesomeness. The SLinks in P4 are amazing, especially compared to P3.
c) OVAN. I mean, really. He is awesomeness personified.
d) LELOOOOOUCH. D: Um, probably that the characters seem so human. I mean, besides the whole "These magical powers are brought to you by the planet Jupiter! :DDD" thing going on. CG is a story about one guy trying to reform a country, and about how he does it, and how he screws up along the way. It's also really really gay, but don't let that fool you.
5: What annoys you/do you hate most about your fandom?
a) How incredibly difficult it seems to be to get yen pins in AD. Seriously, I've gotten like OVER 9000 Peace Full pins, and not a single yen pin. DAMN IT, NOISE, I'M TRYING TO GET THE TIN PIN STICKER SO I CAN KICK KRISTEN'S ASS AT TIN PIN!
b) The characters are smarter than their P3 counterparts, but they can still be pretty freaking stupid. "Oh noes, Morooka got killed! But we saved Rise, and Teddie said there was nobody else in the TV world!" Well maybe it's a different murderer! (Well, it wasn't, but still. It was possible, but no one even mentioned it. Not even THE FREAKING DETECTIVE.) "Oh, I'll take this old sword and these kunai into Junes right after a murder occurred not far from here, but nothing could possibly go wrong!" YOU IDIOT WHAT ON EARTH MADE YOU THINK YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH THAT DON'T ACT SO SURPRISED WHEN YOU GET TAKEN IN BY THE COPS!
c) I never once got to add Ovan to my party. D: Also, there is a serious lack of Ovan in the fandom.
d) The ending, omg. I mean, it really kind of had to end that way, but... ;______; Tears. I has them. Also, [as] keeps moving the timeslot. Five in the morning? Okay, I can do that. I get up around then normally anyway. Oh, now it's on at two? Uh... that's a little harder. Then this week it was on at 1:30. Wtf, [as].
6: Any fanchars?
a) Not any serious ones, no.
b) Nope.
c) ...ahaha, yeah.
d) No~o~o~ope.
7: Anything you want to tell us about those chars?
They exist merely to be the "Wow, this is AWFULLY SIMILAR to what happened seven years ago!" voice. Because really, it's AWFULLY SIMILAR to what happened seven years ago. REALLY, GUYS. YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS. Yeah, I mean, Haseo's not going to remember because he kind of didn't remember anything after his coma, and Kuhn might be in the same boat, but probably not (what with his girlfriend knowing an awful lot about what happened, huh Mai?). But Yata. You have no excuse. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE, WISEMAN. I DON'T CARE IF YOU WERE TEN, YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE.
8: Who's you least fav char in this fandom?
a) I really kind of like all of them, haha. I mean... I guess maybe Kitaniji, but... hey, the guy was just trying to save Shibuya! D:
b) YUKARI Oops, wrong game. Um, I mean... fffff I DON'T KNOW, OKAY. I LIKE THEM ALL. Mitsuo, maybe. Or Naoki? -just needs to start Naoki's SLink then she'll probably love him- Or maybe those bitchy girls from Yosuke's SLink. But no one cares about them anyway, haha. Though I guess I never really liked Ai... -hasn't started her SLink either but read about it, figures she'll probably relate to her-
c) Sakaki. I DO NOT LIKE HIM, SAM I AM. |:<
d) Besides Charles? (Not that I think anyone likes him...)(Though he's voiced by that dude who voiced Van in ToA, hahaha...)
9: Have a crush on any main chars?
a) JOSHUALOL No, Neku is the only one for him. Besides, I have no Imagination whatsoever.
b) I don't even have Naoto in my party yet and I absolutely cannot wait. Damn you, Void Quest dungeon...! Naoto will take Chie's place till I finish the SLink, at which place I'll probably bring Chie back and have Naoto take Yosuke's place. YES, I WILL REPLACE YOSUKE. NAOTO IS JUST THAT AWESOME.
c) Haha, like this even needs saying. Ovan needs the love. <3
d) Lulu, but that's probably mostly due to my CLAMP bishie senses, oops. Lloyd is pretty freaking awesome, though. <3
10: Anything you want to say to the creator/s of your fandom?
a) You are amazing. Seriously. You guys, you were just the Final Fantasy people with a side of Kingdom Hearts, and then this happened. Now you are just the AWESOME people.
c) Ovan needs more love, guys. ): Really. When you think about it, G.U. is as much his story as it is Haseo's.
d) Firstly, your story is more fucked-up than ATLUS's. It's brilliant. But some plothole filling would be nice. Like, C.C.'s real name? Or how Suzaku is "just a superhuman"? I know you guys were a bit rushed near the end, but that's no excuse!