Sep 24, 2005 21:01
im making one last post before i make my journal friends only.
i am only going to drink or eat NON VEGAN stuff from places that treat their animals humanly.
i will admit that i got caught up in THE SCENE, and jumped into it. i am not even going to eat it that often, in fact i probably will eat it occasionally.
and. im not edge anymore either in case anyone wants to know. haha fathom that, i just got an edge messenger bag, oh well. i dont drink or smoke or do drugs or even have sex BEFORE MARRIAGE, because my Christ and my Savior does not want me to.
if you think i am going to go out and drink and smoke and do stupid things then you obviously dont know me.
i just cleaned out my journal, if you are on here then you probably know more about me then oh yeah, he is that kid from shows.
and i dont believe that communism will ever work. ever.
im making this post where there are no comments because i dont feel like reading your stupid comments and making drama.
if you like me as a person then you will still continue to talk to me if not, then dont talk to me.