even my lj doesn't even believe I'm updating it

Aug 04, 2006 22:02

so yea... i still exist. my japan experience has been rad. i think its coming to a close sooner than expected for various reasons... but its been a goddamn blast. i've made up for the lack of weed, etc. (haha) by becoming a complete alcoholic, in a good way (is that possible?). i binge drink like none other and can barely even remember half of this trip so far BUT THATS HOW I DO. taking the ryan thrift party to the international level. yea i hate me too. don't worry about it.

hmm other things... japanese is hard. the girls are hot but its kind of a tease since i can't really talk to them. sometimes that doesn't matter. OH YEAH... those ganjuro gals ARE FUCKIN NASTY! i've never even talked to one. they're much more haggard and scary in real life. like... witchessss. and apparently they don't bathe often which i'm not one to judge in that category but i hear they take like a shower a month. too nasty.

i have fun. i try and fake cultural experiences but really i just do what i like and... i don't know. rock n roll.

i like weird food now. my favorite foods are all strange sea creatures like eel, squid, and octopus (OMG if you've never had takoyaki you should try it... so fuckin amazing). the clothes here are amazing. i have pink van slip ons with weed leaves all over them. they pretty much rule. hmm... if you want you can ask me questions about what its like to live here you can through comments or you can IM me at ryanthrift. but NO i probably won't send you shit like CANDY or ANIME or CELL PHONE CHARMS... we all know i'm too lazy! sorrrrry. plus its expensive as hell to send shit... i hear. i wouldn't know because i haven't sent anything.

and oh yea my phone is the shit. its probably smarter than your computer. it has a radio, a GPS system (which i've never used haha), and a digital TV!? wtf. i feel like penny from inspector gadget or some shit. you win if you can remember the dogs name! was it ralph? thats a good name for a dog. when i get home i want to have a child. and i want to name my daughter Mona i decided. thats really a beautiful name. i see a lot of monkeys... more monkeys than i see in america. also school girls wear really short skirts and its a total boner. wow have i managed to offend you throughout this LJ post? if i haven't... fuck you.

i should do this more often. its quite liberating.

ANYHOO bob barker... this is a EXCLUSIVE LJ ONLY video of me about to go to my FAVORITE club in roppongi that i go to every week except this night i decided to drink beforehand which is a terrible idea because by the end of the night i was trying to go back to america or some shit. you might find it funny. treavor is my boy making the video... he always adds commentary. and keenan is my boy whose always hatin on me. haha. they're fun though... i love them. we rock da club. inside out.

and here are pictures of me the first time i went to that said club. it was a hell of a time. i don't even know if i can type it all. nathan (emperor fabulous) was in town and we joined a lot of my friends at CLUB LEX (i'm a VIP member now haha). needless to say its all you can drink... which would never fly in america. i took the all you can drink thing a little too literally and got entirely too trashed. i ended up climbing under some construction site to pee and no one could find me. then i fell in some bushes. and then i ripped my britches and my ass was COMPLETELY hanging out for the rest of the 2 hour journey home. but i didn't give a fuck. i was beyond trashed. thats not even a good enough description but whatevs here go some pics from that night (i look terrible and doesn't it seem that i've lost weight since these pics compared to the video? i think so.)
club lex

ass hanging out

worst pic of EVER btw...

then the next night we went back?! hahaha. i don't know how we pulled that off?
thats are friend charlene that we grabbed from the hostel to come party with us...

this is the like SERIOUSLY uzbekistanian? model that i tried to pick up but it wasn't happening. haha.

peeing outside is perfectly acceptable/encouraged and totally legal. no peaking!

then we smoke sheesha which is flavored tobacco with the best, most trashed bartender you'll ever meet. he makes my drinks entirely too strong now.

the end. maybe i'll update again before i go home in a few weeks. prolly not though. who am i kidding.
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