gotta big dick... lemme lurk it... to find it out how hard i gotta lurk it

Jun 25, 2003 11:33

so the other day on the price is right... they call this guy down named micheal... and you can just tell this guy is a total lurker/kid toucher, moustache and ALL! he bids once... and hes got the southern accent you only hear at those country gas stations, and out on porches. k... this motorized scooter comes out. he bids "3601, exactly 3601!" this is a very odd bid... so the genius bob barker himself asks him "why this price exactly?" and ole lurker micheal says "i saw that scooter there on the show last week"... and bob just chuckles. so the other two bid aimlessly... and then the BELL goes off for someone making a perfect bid. yea... the crowd dies cause it was totally stalker micheal. and bob says "you see, loyalty pays off on this show." so micheal got his scooter... and came on stage saying "i've waited 30 years bob... 30 years." bob is chuckling so hard... and micheals says "i want my 500 dollars bob" (side note for all you fags... you get 500 dollars for a perfect bid) i know he totally used that money on kiddy porn. so they go to play the game.. and bob is talking to him. and guess where this lurker is from! none other than our own... STATESVILLE NORTH CAROLINA!?! unbelieveable... actually, i can't say i am suprised. and he ended up breaking some record when he played the game as well. insanity, this guy lives like 30 minutes away from me.

so i am starting to make plans to make my appearance on the price is right in late july. it is my dream... and i want to make it a reality. what i am gonna do is like... go into training mode. i am gonna stay with my paw paw weasel, who watches the price is right everyday... religiously. (you can see where i get it from now, eh?) hes like good ole micheal... he knows all the frickin prices! we'll sit there each morning... he'll drink his budweiser... and i'll make like a study sheet. i'll do that as long as i can... and my bedtime will probably become 7:30 at night, and i'll eat a lot of mashed potatoes... but it will pay off when i arrive in cali. see... you guys think i'm joking, but... sadly enough, i'm dead serious.

bob barker... here i come.
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