Apr 22, 2004 16:13
Had some amazing!!!! times!.. i saw mindsnare twice...... better then most of you rat arse kids did.I snapped my back doing GI JOE HEAD STOMPS i saw jed gordon and paul bird best dudes ever,got to hear about how pirds marrying a 14 year old brazillian girl with mafia familia,sang most of stand hard at goo when mindsnare played i was ever wearing trackis CUZZ!! after the mindsnare instore at missing link i saw park way drive,stronger than hate and shot point blank that was pretty damn good,i moshed with a plastic hockey stick and ended up snapping it cause i'm so dangerous.Then really the rest of my days turned to shakka! i went into the city saturday night couldn't get into this place cause it was apparently full but then they let this other couple in cause they weren't honky,Im sad to say that i think it was racial.Went and had a cool picnic in the city park with carly made an awesome dinner then got free tickets to see elephant,which was quite boring,although it got better near the end,i can't believe those kids were gay haha,not that there is anything wrong with that.Then the next few days after having sweet fun i got a mad flu and died.The other night was the worst it was the crazy sickness in full effect,got in the bath after watching home and away,man that show is awesome..so im in the bath and i start sweating and my body starts feeling like it's floating and i am feeling even worse i have no energy at all,i start getting that salty about to vomit feeling in my throat so i crawl outa the bath and look into the bowl and everything i had tried to keep down just left me.I'm almost better now but carly is sick now so i'm playing doctor alot which is fun.