Mar 19, 2004 18:51
My soy chino brings all the boys to the yard,and my life is better then yours,i hate mice,the dead stinking rotting cat on hammond road,the smelly hand cleaning stuff at work,waking up at 5am every day,not hearing the milkshake song three times a day,not having enough porn on the walls at work,not getting enough boners at work,getting acid burns,getting low pay.
But i do like coming home everyday to my women,she makers it all worthwhile,we do everything together,i love her to death,she makes me feel good everytime i think about her or see her,going to sick restaurants with her,feeding possums with her,aquariums, mad sex!!!!!!!!! hugs!!! more sEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CALIFORNIA LOVING!!!!!!! IN THE CITY!!!!!!
i'm awesome and so is carly,we have amazing fun together.